Sunscreen cream
Poles – if you will be walking most of the time, they can help.
Compression socks – reduce calf muscle tension and fatigue.
A thin jacket / sushlyak / long sleeved blouse – you will need them in the early hours and when you pass by the dam Cold it is traditionally chilly there.
Foot powder (highly recommended – helps with calluses)
Anti-chafing and chafing cream
Isotonic drinks / try to stay hydrated and take minerals – lack of sodium and glucose lead to hypoglycemic attacks. Best to have 2-3 crystals of sea salt or other source of sodium/ for the sunny part of the day.
Dried fruit, protein or energy bars
Eat at the stops – you’ll burn between 6,000 and 8,000 calories during the race
Chain lube
Chain link unit
Spare tire
Tire stickers
Bring ID and cash if you get stuck and need a taxi.
When passing through populated areas and highways, obey the traffic rules!
Each competitor is responsible for his good health. Do not use stimulants and alcohol.
Place your race numbers in a prominent place for the judges to see.
Follow the markings – orange reflective signs with the word “100” and a red and white stripe. The marking of Vitosha Park does not completely match the route of the race.
In the event of an accident or if you decide to withdraw during the race, please stop at a station or contact the organizers on 0877 601 016 or 0887 262 692.
Take care of each other. Help if you see someone in trouble or call the organizers.
Take appropriate clothing with you, taking into account the weather forecast and the fact that the weather in the mountains is more unstable and colder, especially in the early hours of the starts.
Runners may have one or more pacers, but if they are not registered as participants, they will not be able to use the aid stations.
In order to protect nature, we will not use plastic cups and small (500 ml) water bottles at the refreshment stations. Each competitor must bring their own bottle and glass. Take the waste with you and dispose of it in the designated places.
We wish all participants success!
Each registered participant in the competition gives his consent to be photographed and his photos to be published on our website and Facebook page!
The organizers reserve the right to cancel or terminate the competition in whole or in part at any time when it is necessary for security reasons and in cases directly threatening the life and health of participants.